Well HELLO Sponsors!
Why Sponsor?
Our reunion website gets traffic from classmates and local businesses. We also promote it in various ways such as Google Search, Facebook Group Pages, Print Material, and more.
Your sponsorship helps lower costs for our reunion efforts and events, making it more affordable to provide classmates with a premium experience at each reunion weekend.
Pay for 1 Year, Get 4 more additional years for FREE. That's right! Free advertising for an additional 4 years when you purchase ad space on our website.
Your sponsorship helps lower costs for our reunion efforts and events, making it more affordable to provide classmates with a premium experience at each reunion weekend.
Pay for 1 Year, Get 4 more additional years for FREE. That's right! Free advertising for an additional 4 years when you purchase ad space on our website.
Q. What type of recognition will my company get if we help sponsor the event(s)?
A. We will publish your logo (if provided), name of your company, and link to your website on our 86sharks.com website. We may also publish your logo, name of your company, and website URL on printed material (if the budget allows).
Q. Can my company's sponsorship remain anonymous?
A. Absolutely! If you or your company business don't want the recognition for sponsoring this awesome event, we will keep your information private. Mums the word.
Q. What type of recognition will my company get if we help sponsor the event(s)?
A. We will publish your logo (if provided), name of your company, and link to your website on our 86sharks.com website. We may also publish your logo, name of your company, and website URL on printed material (if the budget allows).
Q. Can my company's sponsorship remain anonymous?
A. Absolutely! If you or your company business don't want the recognition for sponsoring this awesome event, we will keep your information private. Mums the word.